

Hi, I’m Tabitha.

I’m here to share the things I’ve learned in the practices of Yoga (Asana, Meditation, Pranayama, Yoga Nidra), Energy Healing, and the everyday self-devotion.

Since 2016, I’ve been more openly sharing about my inner work, and applying these embodied experiences through workshops, retreats, classes, and one on one sessions.

I heeded my calling to study the ancient practice of Yoga in Rishikesh, India, and shortly after was attuned in Reiki I & II.

But more than the certificates and courses, I have learned throughout the years that our Soul Remembrance is our curriculum on this Earth. We are here to learn, explore, experiment. 

Most of all, we are here to deeply listen to our Spirit and co-create with LIFE. Isn’t that exciting?

I’m grateful to have you here, and I look forward to sharing space with you.

With Love,



I love nurturing & helping the community by creating workshops that nourish the body and the mind. From deepening one’s Yoga Asana practice through strong flows, practicing how to surrender through energy release & meditation, to sharing embodied practices on how to realize our essence & true nature.

It’s part of my mission to shed a light that the practice of Yoga is for everyone, and isn’t restricted on the mat. In fact, the best practice of Yoga is in the everyday life, learning to go through the flow of life without resistance, and realizing our interconnectedness with all Beings.



At the moment, I am based in Manila, Philippines.

People who connect with my words and how I share my journey join me on Substack, at a space called The Temple. These are more personal and raw entries based on meditations, contemplations, and life musings. Feel free to join me there.

If you need to get in touch feel free to send me an email at
