Quiet the noise, listen to our innate wisdom

(A post from The Woo Club)

We take social media breaks to break from the noise. 

To regulate our nervous systems. 

To give more time for ourselves. 

Lately, it hasn’t even been 5 minutes into scrolling Instagram and my gut tells me, “I’m full”.

These spaces have been quickly satiating, and platforms have found their way to give us more reasons to stay, consume, watch, get distracted. 

I have been moving my way towards subscription-based learning, where I receive updates through email, and will have to actively go to a site to read or watch about it. 

It seems counterintuitive, especially in this time of being able to access everything right away. 

But it also gives me more value - to consciously sign up, read long form letters and articles. 

To consume slowly feels like a lost art form in a time where we get espresso shots of entertainment. 

It is crazy how just 6 years ago, it was exciting to discover an intuitive astrologer, a channel, a tarot reader. Like, “Whoa, where have you been?? Thank you for coming into my energy field!” And now thanks to social media, they are so available to us! 

I find this to be such a wonderful thing. I think now more than ever we do need more guidance and leaders to open our eyes and help us realize our own Truths. 

Angels on earth are emerging, and are here to do their work. 

There’s so much information now - teachings and wisdom being shared. As much as I love the availability of all these things, it makes me wonder,

“How much information are we absorbing, and how much wisdom are we gaining?”

Can we pause for a moment, sit within the quietness of our minds, and listen to the silence? 

What is beyond the silence? Beyond the void? Beyond nothingness?

Perhaps we find infinity. 

Perhaps we find fulfillment. 

Perhaps we find the purity of our hearts.

Perhaps we find wisdom that is already encoded within us. 

“Wisdom is not wisdom until it is embodied”, I remember my teacher saying this. And how true! 

The Age of Information fills our minds - there’s so much to learn, so much knowledge, so many intellectuals. 

At some point, we will have to bring all that knowledge to the heart space, into the depths of our being, and alchemize it into wisdom. 

Not that it is some kind of responsibility that we *have* to do. But there will come a time when you will feel pulled to contemplate, practice, live, and reflect on them, and create our own insights based on our own experiences, which we are free to share through our channels and art.  

This is in itself is a practice of trusting the wisdom that comes from within. And just like any practice, it takes time, love, and the ability to just be in each moment taking it all in. 

Tabitha Fernan